Its a good thing that the High Tech High kids don't need to travel via air, because they would have a hard time getting all their medals through security! This weekends Grizzly Invite brought home 2 more personal bests for the HTH Bruins. Its an ironic occurrence when these kids step in the ring, the training volume is going down and their bodies are starting to react a bit quicker and as a result the are having a hard time "keeping their wheels on the ground". Lots of power in their throws (compared to when they 1st started) but they are having a hard time putting it into the right direction. It would be nice to get to a meet where they are allowed to actually have 6 throws rather than 3...but we do the best with what we got. There are no more "invitationals" this season, as the California CIF finals are approaching in a few weeks. So for the HTH Bruins, its a taper and tightening the screws...
On a side note, in case there are any potential coaches who just happen to be reading this...a word of matter how bad you feel you may be able to help out another teams athletes by pitching in your 2 cents, DON'T DO IT! There is nothing worse than investing hours and hours into a project (your kids) only to have an egotistical coach come over and throw his 2 cents in and screw everything up. I heard my kids say, "coach Mike, that guy said to do this, but now Im all confused?" uuuggh... wooooh - saaaaaahhh .... ;( So, lesson to be learned by me and others, if Im at a meet and feel like I can help out another jav thrower, you can bet your butt I'm not saying anything, out of respect for their coach, and his time and efforts, no matter how bad they might be!
No big news in my training, other than setting a few lifetime bests in back over head shot throws, hang cleans, standing long jump, hurdle hops...just to name a few ;) If the shoulder holds up (after the cortisone injection last Wednesday) then maybe....just maybe...we will see something cool this summer. If not this summer, next summer should be an eye's a few pics and videos from this weekend...till next time,