Sunday, November 7, 2010

Back in the Mix...

...this blog comes to you as the 1st week of fall training is completed. It was a hugely successful week as I made it through healthy! The knee seems to be holding up just fine and after 2 low intensity throwing sessions, the shoulder is in rockin' shape as well.
The week was filled with alot of "back to work" stuff such as testing and measurements and some extremely boring and useless meetings... I did do a new test that I have never done before, measured my resting metabolic rate, or RMR. My training partner, Kara Patterson ( and I both had the test done with the new USOC nutritionist here at the center. Basically it measures how many calories you burn during the day at rest. In other words, if you where to wake up, and lay in bed all day, how many calories would you burn...doing nothing. I was stoked to find out that I burn almost 2,900 calories at rest. I'm guessing that's why I returned from Hawaii lighter than I have been since high school, a whopping 192lbs! That was on Monday and as of yesterday (Saturday) I was already back to 197 so I think it wont be hard to put it back on. My goal is to be at least 210lbs by the time the season starts and keep my current body fat percentage which is hovering around 6%.
I spoke with the High Tech High principle last week about resuming practices at the training center but it doesn't look like the kids will be released for Spring sports until January 2011. Therefore I have some time to get back in the mix of things and get into freak show shape before I start pounding away with the HTH Bruins.
I uploaded a free dive video from Maui that I it is, enjoy!
