Monday, June 21, 2010

Nationals Week

This blog comes to you the week of National Championships. I depart for Des Moines Iowa this Friday for the competition on Sunday afternoon. Most of the training center will be taking off Tuesday and Wednesday so it will be an empty nest around here for a few days...plenty of time to talk yourself in and out of competition form. I am sticking with my gameplan that I developed last year...which is...have no game plan, just lace 'em up and hit it as best I can and let the chips fall where they may. My parents are coming out to San Diego for their first visit since 2007 shortly after nationals, so any plans to try to hit the Euro circuit will have to wait a few weeks post nationals. As I mentioned in my last blog, the High Tech High Bruins season has ended and Coach Earl's Team Elite Club program is in full swing and are departing for Youth Regional Champs this week in Vegas. I have 1 jav guy who looks to be a lock for Nationals and a few others that may squeak in but will take some dramatic improvements to make the cut.
Sorry if this blog seems short in nature, I’m having to send it via a 1993 PC at the training center as my wonderfully amazing macbook is still in the shop, thus holding my recent videos and pictures hostage...Until next time.